Thread Id: 9647
Thread Name: night,day,season's (fire red)
pkmn.hackzorz 16528
ok im pkmn.hackzorz and i was wondering how do poeple make some games have night and day plus season? and is it possible for my pokemon fire red rom to get season,night, and day?
.:F?an The KilleR:. 13541
Of course that it´s possible, there is a mini-tuto.

pkmn.hackzorz 16528
oh ok where could i find this tutorial and were can i download the tool used to do this?
Ray Laé Àlfori 0
Look, in order to do that, you need the tool DNS (Day, Night and Seasons). You can download it in this topic: http://wahackforo.com/t-Day-Night-and-Seasons-para-insertar-estaciones-y-d%C3%ADa-y-noche-tambi%C3%A9n-en-batallas

Traducción: Mira, para hacer eso, necesitas la herramienta DNS (Day, Night and Seasons). Puedes descargarla en este tema: http://wahackforo.com/t-Day-Night-and-Seasons-para-insertar-estaciones-y-d%C3%ADa-y-noche-tambi%C3%A9n-en-batallas

Byes =) I hope my answer helps you.

Ray Laé Àlfori (Rayku Rayquaza)
pkmn.hackzorz 16528
ok cool thanks for the link i got the tool thanks everyone for helping me out...all though i dont really see how thats a tutorial its just a pic and under it it says what it does do you think you could upload a vid on YouTube of how to set it up? thanks