Thread Id: 9647
Thread Name: night,day,season's (fire red)
ok im pkmn.hackzorz and i was wondering how do poeple make some games have night and day plus season? and is it possible for my pokemon fire red rom to get season,night, and day?
Of course that it´s possible, there is a mini-tuto.
oh ok where could i find this tutorial and were can i download the tool used to do this?
Look, in order to do that, you need the tool DNS (Day, Night and Seasons). You can download it in this topic: http://wahackforo.com/t-Day-Night-and-Seasons-para-insertar-estaciones-y-d%C3%ADa-y-noche-tambi%C3%A9n-en-batallas
Traducción: Mira, para hacer eso, necesitas la herramienta DNS (Day, Night and Seasons). Puedes descargarla en este tema: http://wahackforo.com/t-Day-Night-and-Seasons-para-insertar-estaciones-y-d%C3%ADa-y-noche-tambi%C3%A9n-en-batallas
Byes =) I hope my answer helps you.
Ray Laé Àlfori (Rayku Rayquaza)
ok cool thanks for the link i got the tool thanks everyone for helping me out...all though i dont really see how thats a tutorial its just a pic and under it it says what it does do you think you could upload a vid on YouTube of how to set it up? thanks