Author Id: 28593 Author Name: HyruleShield Post Content: [QUOTE][url=]Iniciado por Dafting[/url] There is some tutorials of how to create animated tiles, but if you cant do that, you can replace an existent tile (animated, of course)[/QUOTE] By any chance do you think you could link me to such a tutorial? I searched myself, but couldn't find anything... And just wondering, how would you replace the other frames of a pre-animated texture? In SDSME, I can only export frame one for, let's say, the water texture. Thanks! [QUOTE][url=]Iniciado por Kaze[/url] Welcome to Whack a Hack, about the question... I think, Here only have two rh to ask this, Mikelan98 and Trifindo. Or you can investigate, with help of someone of here.[/QUOTE] I'll be sure to try to contact one of them, thanks!