Author Id: 12263 Author Name: Loony Boo♪ Post Content: [QUOTE][url=]Iniciado por The Doctor[/url] Ditto es una masilla, y como tal puede adoptar distintas formas. Esa es su inspiración. Mew puede transformarse porque contiene información genética de todos los Pokémon existentes, son cosas distintas.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]In the sixth issue of Best Buy's @Gamer magazine, Game Freak developers Junichi Masuda and Ken Sugimori revealed that Ditto was originally based on the iconic smiley face. Its eyes and mouth are exactly like ":)", which is an emoticon representing the smiley. Additionally, Ditto strongly resembles an amoeba, a single-celled organism with no definite shape. This may emphasize its ability to alter its cellular composition. This could also explain why Ditto is unavailable through breeding, since single-celled organisms reproduce differently from multi-cellular plants and animals. It also could partially be based on an undifferentiated cell, a cell in the body that can change into any other cell by sampling it. It could also have been based on a blob or a rubber ball.[/QUOTE] La próxima vez que quieras tachar de simple a cualquier cosa, al menos infórmate antes, fíjate la de combinaciones distintas que puedes encontrar en dicho diseño. PD: Sí, te doy la razón con lo de los fan fics, pero lo dejo caer más bien como ese tipo de detalles tipo Parasect zombi xD