Author Id: 23828 Author Name: DaruroSuneko Post Content: I'm new to the forum (my first post) and I haven't seen restrictions about the language in posts. For this reason I apologize if it's inappropriate to post in English, once I'm not native in Spanish language and don't have the ability to write on this language. If you think it's better, I can write in Portuguese. Anyway, I saw this Pic on Deviantart: [url=]"Dragonair+Milotic By Esepibe"[/url] And the idea is, as written in the description, original from [url=]Matt-Criston[/url] also from Deviantart. But i couldn't find a sprite version of the idea. There is only something similar to what I'm looking for in the first image, on the botton left corner, but it does not fit for a 64x64 image without loss of quality, with the purpose of using it in GEN III games (Ruby/FireRed etc). Can anyone make a version of this? Also, if possible, a version of the back of the Pokémon would also be helpful. Gracias.