Author Id: 15313 Author Name: Jotax Post Content: Esta es la web, leí cuidadosamente y estos comandos son los que me llamaron la atención [SPOILER="Primer comando"]'----------------------- #org 0x1A0D5A setvar 0x8004 0x0 special2 LASTRESULT 0xD4 copyvar 0x8008 0x8005 copyvar 0x8009 0x8006 copyvar 0x800A LASTRESULT #raw 0x83 nop jumpstd 0x80 #raw 0x83 nop callstd 0x80 msgbox 0x81C61FA '"Mhmm...\pDunque, hai..." callstd 0x4 call 0x81A0D4F compare 0x800A 0x0 if 0x1 jump 0x1A1EF7 setvar 0x8004 0x1 special2 LASTRESULT 0xD4 copyvar 0x8008 0x8005 copyvar 0x8009 0x8006 #raw 0x83 nop jumpstd 0x80 #raw 0x83 nop callstd 0x80 msgbox 0x81C6809 '"Uhm...\nSu base nazi..." callstd 0x4 return '----------------------- #org 0x1A0D4F copyvar 0x8004 0x8009 special 0xD5 #raw 0x66 #raw 0x6D return '----------------------- #org 0x1A1EF7 return[/SPOILER] Luego seguí revisando y encontré uno para pokemon essentials, algo similar [SPOILER="Segundo comando"]def Come_back(shiny=nil, animation=nil) events=$PokemonGlobal.dependentEvents if $game_variables[Current_Following_Variable]==$ $game_variables[Current_Following_Variable] else $game_variables[Current_Following_Variable] end if $game_variables[Current_Following_Variable]==$ remove_sprite(false) for i in $scene.spriteset.addUserAnimation(Animation_Come_Out,@realEvents.x,@realEvents.y) end else if $[0].isShiny? shiny=true else shiny=false end change_sprite($[0].species, shiny, false) end for i in 0..$ if $>0 && !$[0].egg? $game_variables[Current_Following_Variable]=i refresh_sprite break end end for i in for i in 0..$ if $<=0 id = $ else id = $ end end if events && events[8]=="Dependent" if shiny==true events[6]=sprintf("%03ds",id) if FileTest.image_exist?("Graphics/Characters/"+events[6]) @realEvents.character_name=sprintf("%03ds",id) else events[6]=sprintf("%03d",id) @realEvents.character_name=sprintf("%03d",id) end else events[6]=sprintf("%03d",id) @realEvents.character_name=sprintf("%03d",id) end if animation==true else end end end end [/SPOILER] Y por último uno donde revisan SURF [SPOILER="Tercer comando"]#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - check_surf(animation) # - If current Pokemon is a water Pokemon, it is still following. # - If current Pokemon is not a water Pokemon, remove sprite. # - Require Water_Pokemon_Can_Surf = true to enable #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_surf(animation=nil) events=$PokemonGlobal.dependentEvents for i in if events && events[8]=="Dependent" events[6]=sprintf("nil") @realEvents.character_name=sprintf("nil") else if $[0].hp>0 && !$[0].egg? if $[0].hasType?(:WATER) remove_sprite else remove_sprite pbWait(20) end elsif $[0].hp<=0 end end end end [/SPOILER] Estos dos últimos son para pokemon essentials, y repito lo que me llamó la atención fue esa estructura donde trabajan con variables dependientes. [url=]Flags and Special Commands [R/FR/E] [Archive] - The PokéCommunity Forums[/url]