Author Id: 16805 Author Name: akane159 Post Content: rafa este es el error que me da :S [IMG][/IMG] ----------------- y este es el script que coloque en la tienda pbPokemonMart([ PBItems::267,POKEBALL,Poké Ball,3,200,"A device for catching wild Pokémon. It is thrown line a ball at the target. It is designed as a capsule system.",0,2,4 PBItems::1,REPEL,Repel,1,350,"An item that prevents weak wild Pokémon from appearing for 100 steps after its use.",2,0,0, PBItems::217,POTION,Potion,2,300,"A spray-type medicine for wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by just 20 points.",1,1,0]) -------------