Author Id: 25004 Author Name: Andrea Post Content: Hello guys today I would like to offer you a little routine for asm change the status of a pokemon of our team ^^ first of all we need to know where is the offset required in this case: offset_stato: 030043B0 Between each pokemon status distance themselves 100 bytes this is the routine that we will use : [SPOILER] .thumb .align 2 push {r0-r1,lr} ldr r0, .8000 /*variabile 8000*/ ldrh r0,[r0] ldr r1,.100 /*interval between the bytes status in pokemon team*/ mul r1,r0 ldr r0, .pokemon_data /*byte team pokemon status*/ add r0, r0, r1 mov r1, #0x80 /*poisong status*/ strb r1,[r0] pop {r0-r1,pc} .align 2 .pokemon_data: .word 0x030043B0 .8000: .word 0x0202e8c4 .100: .word 0x00000100 [/SPOILER] but we look for good everywhere: [QUOTE]ldr r0 , .8000 ldrh r0 , [ r0 ][/QUOTE] except in 8000 var r0 [QUOTE]ldr r1, .100 mul r1, r0[/QUOTE] So here we load the value "100" in r1 and then multiply it with r0 ( the var 8000) because we did ? to choose the pokemon you want to change the status ^^ first of all we need to set the var 8000 with the number of pokemon to infect for example, the 2 pokemon in team setvar 0x8000 0x1 ( -1 we have to do to place in the team : C) we said that the bytes of the team move away from each other by 100 bytes then the routine will multiply 1 by 100 1 * 100 = 100 then adds +100 to pokemon_data and we will have the offset of the state of 2 pokemon ^^ (it's a slightly convoluted reasoning x'D I hope you understand otherwise leave a comment ) [QUOTE]ldr r0 , . pokemon_data add r0 , r0 , r1[/QUOTE] as I said before, the routine loads the pokemon_data and the sum of the product of the variable * 100. sum pokemon_data + product and puts everything in r0 [QUOTE]mov r1 , # 0x80 strb r1, [ r0 ][/QUOTE] we r1 in the value of 80 ( he was poisoned ), and finally save the byte :) Finally here's a sample script: [SPOILER] # dynamic 0x800000 # org @ start lock setvar 0x8000 0x1 callasm 0xoffset + 1 release end [/SPOILER] If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to ask ^^