Author Id: 15381 Author Name: Alquimista Post Content: Hola, les traigo muchisimos códigos para pokemon "Ruby" y pokemon "Fire Red"; vas a poder encontrar muchos de los códigos que necesitas para los scripts en este solo post. Ah!! me olvidaba, los códigos que aporte yo, tienen su respectiva explicación sobre lo que hace cada uno. Espero que les sirva: EDITO: ahora con muchos mas códigos aportados por javi4315 y otros por Sky + colores por Ken y ademas, un ejemplo de script para obtener la pokedex nacional en Ruby. [Spoiler][quote]Colores para "msgbox": 00 = Transparente 01 = Normal 02 = Rojo 03 = Verde 04 = Azul 05 = Amarillo 06 = Azul oscuro Mas colores (aportado por javi4315): [transp_rs] [darkgrey_rs] [red_rs] [lightgreen_rs] [yellow_rs] [cyan_rs] [magenta_rs] [grey_rs] [lightgrey_rs] [white_rs] [skyblue_rs] [darkskyblue_rs] [white2_rs] Colores aportados por Ken [white_fr] [white2_fr] [grey_fr] [red_fr] [orange_fr] [green_fr] [lightgreen_fr] [lightblue_fr] [white3_fr] [lightblue2_fr] [cyan_fr] [lightblue3_fr] [navyblue_fr] [darknavyblue_fr] Movimientos: #raw 0x0 'Face Down #raw 0x1 'Face Up #raw 0x2 'Face Left #raw 0x3 'Face Right #raw 0x4 'Step Down (Slow) #raw 0x5 'Step Up (Slow) #raw 0x6 'Step Left (Slow) #raw 0x7 'Step Right (Slow) #raw 0x8 'Step Down (Normal) #raw 0x9 'Step Up (Normal) #raw 0xA 'Step Left (Normal) #raw 0xB 'Step Right (Normal) #raw 0xC 'Jump2 Down #raw 0xD 'Jump2 Up #raw 0xE 'Jump2 Left #raw 0xF 'Jump2 Right #raw 0x10 'Delay1 #raw 0x11 'Delay2 #raw 0x12 'Delay3 #raw 0x13 'Delay4 #raw 0x14 'Delay5 #raw 0x15 'Slide Down #raw 0x16 'Slide Up #raw 0x17 'Slide Left #raw 0x18 'Slide Right #raw 0x19 'Step on the Spot Down (Slow) #raw 0x1A 'Step on the Spot Up (Slow) #raw 0x1B 'Step on the Spot Left (Slow) #raw 0x1C 'Step on the Spot Right (Slow) #raw 0x1D 'Step on the Spot Down (Normal) #raw 0x1E 'Step on the Spot Up (Normal) #raw 0x1F 'Step on the Spot Left (Normal) #raw 0x20 'Step on the Spot Right (Normal) #raw 0x21 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster) #raw 0x22 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster) #raw 0x23 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster) #raw 0x24 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster) #raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Fastest) #raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Fastest) #raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Fastest) #raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Fastest) #raw 0x29 'Slide Down #raw 0x2A 'Slide Up #raw 0x2B 'Slide Left #raw 0x2C 'Slide Right #raw 0x2D 'Slide Down #raw 0x2E 'Slide Up #raw 0x2F 'Slide Left #raw 0x30 'Slide Right #raw 0x31 'Slide Down #raw 0x32 'Slide Up #raw 0x33 'Slide Left #raw 0x34 'Slide Right #raw 0x35 'Slide Running Down #raw 0x36 'Slide Running Up #raw 0xE0 'movE0 #raw 0xA4 'movA4 Saltos largos: #raw 0x3A 'Jump Facing Left (Down) #raw 0x3B 'Jump Facing Down (Up) #raw 0x3C 'Jump Facing Up (Left) #raw 0x3D 'Jump Facing Left (Right) Lo que hace cada movimiento: #raw 0x0 = mirar abajo #raw 0x1 = mirar arriba #raw 0x2 = mirar izquierda #raw 0x3 = mirar derecha #raw 0x4 = Un paso abajo (lento) #raw 0x5 = Un paso arriba (lento) #raw 0x6 = Un paso izquierda (lento) #raw 0x7 = Un paso derecha (lento) #raw 0x8 = Un paso abajo (normal) #raw 0x9 = Un paso arriba (normal) #raw 0xA = Un paso izquierda (normal) #raw 0xB = Un paso derecha (normal) #raw 0xC =Saltar2 Abajo #raw 0xD = Saltar2 Arriba #raw 0xE = Saltar2 Izquierda #raw 0xF = Saltar2 Derecha #raw 0x10 = Retraso1 #raw 0x11 = Retraso2 #raw 0x12 = Retraso3 #raw 0x13 = Retraso4 #raw 0x14 = Retraso5 #raw 0x15 = Deslice hacia abajo #raw 0x16 = Deslice hacia arriba #raw 0x17 = Deslice hacia la izquierda #raw 0x18 = Deslice hacia la derecha #raw 0x19 = Paso en el lugar abajo (lento) #raw 0x1A = Paso en el lugar arriba (lento) #raw 0x1B = Paso en el lugar izquierda (lento) #raw 0x1C = Paso en el lugar derecha (lento) #raw 0x19 = Paso en el lugar abajo (normal) #raw 0x1A = Paso en el lugar arriba (normal) #raw 0x1B = Paso en el lugar izquierda (normal) #raw 0x1C = Paso en el lugar derecha (normal) #raw 0x19 = Paso en el lugar abajo (rápido) #raw 0x1A = Paso en el lugar arriba (rápido) #raw 0x1B = Paso en el lugar izquierda (rápido) #raw 0x1C = Paso en el lugar derecha (rápido) #raw 0x19 = Paso en el lugar abajo (mas rápido) #raw 0x1A = Paso en el lugar arriba (mas rápido) #raw 0x1B = Paso en el lugar izquierda (mas rápido) #raw 0x1C = Paso en el lugar derecha (mas rápido) #raw 0x29 = Deslice hacia abajo #raw 0x2A = Deslice hacia arriba #raw 0x2B = Deslice hacia la izquierda #raw 0x2C = Deslice hacia la derecha #raw 0x2D = Deslice hacia abajo #raw 0x2E = Deslice hacia arriba #raw 0x2F = Deslice hacia la izquierda #raw 0x30 = Deslice hacia la derecha #raw 0x31 = Deslice hacia abajo #raw 0x32 = Deslice hacia arriba #raw 0x33 = Deslice hacia la izquierda #raw 0x34 = Deslice hacia la derecha #raw 0x35 Deslice Corriendo hacia abajo #raw 0x36 = Deslice corriendo hacia arriba #raw 0xE0 'movE0 (no se lo que hace xD) #raw 0xA4 'movA4 (este tampoco xD) Saltos largos: #raw 0x3A Saltar mirando abajo #raw 0x3B Saltar mirando arriba #raw 0x3C Saltar mirando izquierda #raw 0x3D Saltar mirando derecha Sonidos sound 0xA = salto sound 0x9 = puerta sound 0x8 = puerta2 sound 0x7 = golpe sound 0x6 = sonido al abrir el menú sound 0x5 = sonido al cerrar el menú sound 0x4 = sonido al abrir el pokenav sound 0x3 = sonido al cerrar el pokenav sound 0x1 = sonido al subir de nivel sound 0xC = golpe2 sound 0xD = golpe3 sound 0xE = sonido al huir un pokemon sound 0xF = sonido al salir la pokebola sound 0x13 = sonido del barco sound 0x29 = sonido al romper un vidrio o algo asi sound 0x27 = sonido de un temblor sound 0x2A = sonido del piso rompiendose sound 0x2B = sonido cayendo sound 0x2C = sonido al caer sound 0x2D = sonido al teletransportarse sound 0x2E = sonido al finalizar la teletransportacion sound 0x2F = sonido de la puerta del camion al abrirse sound 0x30 = sonido del pokeblock sound 0x31 = sonido del camion sound 0x34 = sonido de aleteo sound 0x35 = sonido de avión sound 0x3D = sonido de vuelo sound 0x3E hasta sound 0x42 sonido de campanas sound 0x46 = sonidos al caminar sobre el agua sound 0x47 = sonido al colocar algo sobre la mesa sound 0x48 = sonido al recibir palta (dinero) sound 0x49 = un timbre ding dong sound 0x4A = sonido de agua 1 sound 0x4B = sonido de agua 2 sound 0x4C = sonido de agua 3 sound 0x51 = luvia sound 0x50 = ventisca sound 0x4F = sonido de envenenamiento sound 0x57 = trueno sound 0x58 = trueno 2 sound 0x5A =sonido al ser derrotado sound 0x5B = sonido al llegar al límite de experiencia sound 0x5C = camion 2 sound 0x5D = aleteo 2 sound 0x65 = sonido de alerta sound 0x66 = sonido que hace un pokemon shuiny sound 0x67 = poder sound 0x6A = gente gritando sound 0x6B = un yet sound 0x70 ? te llaman!! sound 0x80 = sonido al cortar sound 0x83 = al romper piedras sound 0x8D = se detiene el temblor (creo) sound 0x90 = fuego sound 0x91 = fuego2 sound 0x92 = fuego2 sound 0x93 = golpe de fuego Signos que aparecen sobre la cabeza: #raw 0x58 = amor #raw 0x57 = signo de pregunta #raw 0x56 = signo de exclamación Flags: Setflag 0x801 recibis Pokédex Setflag 0x802 recibis PokéNav Setflag 0x807 recibis primera medalla. Setflag 0x808 recibis segunda medalla. Setflag 0x809 recibis tercera medalla. Setflag 0x80A recibis cuarta medalla. Setflag 0x80B recibis quinta medalla. Setfalg 0x80C recibis sexta medalla. Setflag 0x80D recibis séptima medalla. Setflag 0x80E recibis octava medalla. Setflag 0x860 recibis zaptillas para correr EDITO: script para actualizar la pokedex y convertirla en nacional (ejemplo). IMPORTANTE: recuerden que esto se puede hacer siempre y cuando hayas activado la flag de la pokedex normal. '--------------- #org 0x80105F lock faceplayer checkflag 0x3EE if 0x0 goto 0x8744030 msgbox 0x86BEA3E MSG_NORMAL '"\a esta a..." release end '--------------- #org 0x744030 lock faceplayer msgbox 0x86BE9DB MSG_YESNO '"\te actualizo..." compare LASTRESULT 0x1 if 0x1 goto 0x8710C10 msgbox 0x86BEA00 MSG_NORMAL '"\como quieras..." release end '--------------- #org 0x710C10 lock faceplayer writebytetooffset 0x2 0x2026B00 writebytetooffset 0x3 0x2026B01 writebytetooffset 0xDA 0x2024EBE writebytetooffset 0x67 0x2026A5A msgbox 0x86BEA19 MSG_NORMAL '"\recibis POKE..." setflag 0x3EE release end '--------- ' Strings '--------- #org 0x6BEA3E = \Ya esta actualizada #org 0x6BE9DB = \te actualizo la pokedex? #org 0x6BEA00 = \como quieras #org 0x6BEA19 = \recibis POKEDEX NACIONAL Explicación del script "#org por #org" xD #org 0x80105F: comienzo del script. En esta parte no deben cambiar la flag 0x3EE #org 0x744030: texto si-no. A mi no me funcionó sin el texto si-no, recomiendo hacerlo con un texto de este tipo. #org 0x710C10: esta parte es fundamental. Estos comandos son los que te actualizan la pokedex. NO cambien nada de esta parte, sólo pueden cambiar el msgbox. NOTA: no me funcionó con etiquetas dinamicas. Especiales: special 0x131 = terremoto special 0x0 = cura a los pokemon Mas especiales (aportado por javi4315): 0 = Heals Party Pokémon 1 = ? 2 = Warp sound + FadeBlack 3 = Hero Uses Last Used Warp 4 = ? 5 = ? 6 = ? 7 = ? 8 = Make new Secret Base/Enter Secret Base 9 = Come out of Coliseum A = Come out of Coliseum B = ? C = ? D = ? E = Hero Uses Secret Base PC F = Something to do with registry in a secret base 10 = ? 11 = Something to do with Secret Base battling 12 = ? 13 = ? 14 = ? 15 = ? 16 = ? 17 = ? 18 = Move Player to X01 Y03 19 = Something to do with secret base battling 1A = Turning off PC 1B = Mixing Records 1C = ? 1D = ? 1E = ? 1F = checks whether game is linked 20 = Please wait followed by wild battle (Linkup) (VS in coliseum) 21 = "Please wait link stand by" (Link Feature) 22 = "Please wait link stand by" (Link Feature) 23 = Call Save Menu 24 = ? 25 = ? 26 = ? 27 = ? 28 = ? 29 = Select 3 Pokémon [maybe for Battle tower?] 2A = Black Screen 2B = Something to do with Berry Growth 2C = Opens up berry pocket (Used in berry blender script) 2D = Something to do with Planted berry (Used with CmdC3) 2E = Something to do with Berry Growth 2F = Something to do with Berry Growth 30 = Maybe activates the watered flag (used first, then special0x5E) 31 = ? 32 = ? 33 = ? 34 = Open Textbox (Stays Open) 35 = Open Textbox (Stays Open) 36 = ? 37 = ? 38 = ? 39 = ? 3A = ? 3B = Trainer battle 3C = Access Lanette's PC (BOX System) 3D = ? 3E = ? 3F = ? 40 = ? 41 = ? 42 = ? 43 = ? 44 = ? 45 = ? 46 = ? 47 = ? 48 = ? 49 = ? 4A = ? 4B = ? 4C = ? 4D = ? 4E = ? 4F = ? 50 = ? 51 = ? 52 = ? 53 = ? 54 = ? 55 = ? 56 = ? 57 = ? 58 = ? 59 = ? 5A = ? 5B = ? 5C = ? 5D = Call Save Menu which keeps looping. 5E = Watering of Berry (used first, then special0x5E) 5F = You fill your trainer's profile/interview 60 = Shows what you put for trainer's Profile/interview 61 = ? 62 = ? 63 = ? 64 = ? 65 = ? 66 = ? 67 = Strange Message with sound (could be Unown speech) 68 = ? 69 = ? 6A = ? 6B = ? 6C = Trainer Tales (Link Feature) 6D = Choose Tale 6E = ? 6F = ? 70 = ? 71 = ? 72 = ? 73 = ? 74 = ? 75 = Secret Base Decoration Item Menu 76 = ? 77 = ? 78 = ? 79 = ? 7A = ? 7B = ? 7C = Something to do with renaming 7D = Something to do with renaming 7E = ? 7F = ? 80 = ? 81 = ? 82 = ? 83 = Poké Slots In Use (Store Command) 84 = ? 85 = ? 86 = ? 87 = ? 88 = ? 89 = ? 8A = Crashes 8B = ? 8C = ? 8D = Displays the last message 8E = Used with Setmaptile to make it work 8F = ? 90 = ? 91 = setmaptile #206 at X8 YB 92 = ? 93 = ? 94 = Something to do with Timed events 95 = ? 96 = ? 97 = ? 98 = Cable Car Ride Cutscene 9A = Male Clock 9B = View Clock 9C = Choose Starters From Birch's Bag 9D = Wally Catching Ralts 9E = Nickname's first Pokémon in Party 9F = Choose a Pokémon in the party (For Nickname) A0 = ? A1 = Starts Berry Blender A2 = Slot game. A3 = ? A4 = ? A5 = ? A6 = ? A7 = ? A8 = ? A9 = ? AA = ? AB = ? AC = ? AD = ? AE = ? AF = Gabby and TV's "In serach of Trainers" B0 = ? B1 = ? B2 = ? B3 = ? B4 = ? B5 = ? B6 = ? B7 = ? B8 = ? B9 = ? BA = ? BB = ? BC = Store a Pokémon For Day Care BD = Take back Pokémon From Day Care BE = Get Breeding Growth (store) BF = Get Price C0 = Something to do with Day Cay pay (store) C1 = ? C2 = Egg hatch (1st Pokémon in party) C3 = ? C4 = Battle results For The Coliseum C5 = ? C6 = Something to do with DayCare cost C7 = ? C8 = Move to the last sethealingplace/flightspot after some time (faint!!) (Fainted Event) C9 = ? CA = ? CB = ? CC = ? CD = ? CE = ? CF = ? D0 = Opens PokéBlock case D1 = Stores a random value to LASTRESULT (If the value matches mirage Island will show) D2 = ? D3 = ? D4 = Used Before Special 0xF9/FA D5 = Catch Pokémon tip, boxset 4 (use closeonkeypress) D6 = tile change (in the middle of screen?)(For PC) D7 = tile change (flower, in the middle of screen?) D8 = ? D9 = Sets some sort of tiles DA = Sets some sort of tiles DB = Choose Pokémon then Fadescreen DC = Opens the First Pokémon's Moves DD = ? DE = ? DF = ? E0 = Move tutoring For 1st Pokémon in Party E1 = ? E2 = ? E3 = CheckBike (store command) 00 = nobike E4 = Set Cycling Road Results (time, collisions) E5 = ? E6 = First Pokémon Happy (StoreResult, 4 = Happy), E7 = ? E8 = ? E9 = ? EA = ? EB = ? EC = Verse a high level trainer, level 100/Random Battle? ED = ? EE = ? EF = ? F0 = ? F1 = Restarts Game F2 = ? F3 = ? F4 = ? F5 = choose 3 Pokémon(Battle tower) F6 = ? F7 = ? F8 = ? F9 = Item Storage Mailbox Decoration FA = Item Storage - No Decoration FB = World Map FC = ? FD = ? FE = Used for In-Game Trades - Trades 1st trade Pokémon "Makit" to 1st Pokémon in Party FF = ? 100 = ? 101 = ? 102 = ? 103 = Berry Blender results 104 = ? 105 = ? 106 = PC (menu opens and disappears real fast) 107 = Hall of Fame, through PC (Will be corrupt if there's no data) (reads) 108 = Hoenn Pokédex diploma 109 = ? 10A = ? 10B = ? 10C = ? 10D = ? 10E = Boat sailing for a long time, like Fire Red's speed boat (+Return) 10F = Restarts 110 = Hall of Fame "Credits" (Saves data) 111 = Elevator animation< 112 = Displays Flutes 113 = Freezes The Screen/Camera 114 = Releases The Screen/Camera 115 = ? 116 = ? 117 = ? 118 = ? 119 = Groudon's Orb followed by earthquake 11A = ? 11B = Battel Tower Results 11C = ? 11D = ? 11E = ? 11F = ? 120 = ? 121 = ? 122 = ? 123 = ? 124 = ? 125 = ? 126 = ? 127 = ? 128 = ? 129 = ? 12A = ? 12B = ? 12C = Player Goes to last warp/flightspot used 12D = Makes special 0x9d work properly 12E = ? 12F = ? 130 = Is PC Box Full (store command) (0 = full) 131 = Earthquake for few seconds "Earthquake (stops)" 132 = Show Floors & Which Floor you're on 133 = ? 134 = CheckPokerus [0001 = Pokerus] 135 = ? 136 = Weird Quake 137 = Lava Battle/with Groudon 138 = Land Battle/with legendary 139 = Land Battle2/different song/battle with ledgendary - used with wildbattle 13A = ? 13B = Small screen shake 13C = ? 13D = Light/Flash 13E = Player uses the warp last used (no sound) 13F = falls in first warp of the first map 140 = Pokémon Image (UnLZ 199/200) 141 = ? 142 = Ecard battle Initiate (used in Levelscript at mossdeep, Oldman's house) 143 = Battle ?(perhaps used for wildbattle) 144 = ? 145 = ? 146 = ? 147 = Check Pokemon 148 = ? 149 = ? 14A = ? 14B = ? 14C = Turns Off Background/Map music 153 = ? 154 = ? 155 = ? BONUS: Especiales FireRed (aportados por javi4315): 0 = Heal Party Pokémon 1 = ? 2 = Warp sound + Black Screen 3 = Walk to your room 4 = ? 5 = ? 6 = ? 7 = ? 8 = ? 9 = ? A = ? B = ? C = ? D = ? E = ? F = ? 10 = ? 11 = ? 12 = ? 13 = ? 14 = ? 15 = ? 16 = ? 17 = ? 18 = ? 19 = ? 1A = ? 1B = ? 1C = ? 1D = ? 1E = ? 1F = ? 20 = Weird Fight 21 = Link Communication Standby 22 = Link Communication Standby 2 23 = Call Save Menu 24 = ? 25 = ? 26 = ? 27 = ? 28 = ? 29 = Select 3 Pokémon for something 2A = Crashes 2B = ? 2C = ? 2D = ? 2E = ? 2F = ? 30 = ? 31 = ? 32 = ? 33 = ? 34 = ? 35 = ? 36 = ? 37 = ? 38 = ? 39 = ? 3A = ? 3B = Fight with Team Aqua's Leader 3C = Access BILL's PC 3D = ? 3E = ? 3F = ? 40 = ? 41 = ? 42 = ? 43 = ? 44 = ? 45 = ? 46 = ? 47 = ? 48 = ? 49 = ? 4A = ? 4B = ? 4C = ? 4D = ? 4E = ? 4F = ? 50 = ? 51 = ? 52 = ? 53 = ? 54 = ? 55 = ? 56 = ? 57 = ? 58 = ? 59 = ? 5A = ? 5B = ? 5C = ? 5D = Call Save Menu 5E = Edit "At the battle's start" profile 5F = Edit "At the battle's start" profile 60 = Displays "At the battle's start" text 61 = ? 62 = ? 63 = ? 64 = ? 65 = ? 66 = ? 67 = ? 68 = ? 69 = ? 6A = ? 6B = ? 6C = ? 6D = ? 6E = ? 6F = ? 70 = ? 71 = ? 72 = ? 73 = ? 74 = ? 75 = ? 76 = ? 77 = ? 78 = ? 79 = ? 7A = ? 7B = ? 7C = ? 7D = ? 7E = ? 7F = ? 80 = ? 81 = ? 82 = ? 83 = ? 84 = ? 85 = ? 86 = ? 87 = ? 88 = ? 89 = ? 8A = ? 8B = ? 8C = ? 8D = ? 8E = ? 8F = ? 90 = ? 91 = ? 92 = ? 93 = ? 94 = ? 95 = ? 96 = ? 97 = ? 98 = ? 99 = ? 9A = ? 9B = ? 9C = ? 9D = Old man catching a Weedle 9E = Nickname 9F = Choose 3 Pokémon A0 = ? A1 = ? A2 = ? A3 = ? A4 = ? A5 = ? A6 = ? A7 = ? A8 = ? A9 = ? AA = ? AB = ? AC = ? AD = ? AE = ? AF = ? B0 = ? B1 = ? B2 = ? B3 = ? B4 = ? B5 = ? B6 = ? B7 = ? B8 = ? B9 = ? BA = ? BB = ? BC = Store a Pokémon BD = Withdraw a stored Pokémon BE = ? BF = ? C0 = ? C1 = ? C2 = Egg Hatch C3 = ? C4 = Show Battle Results C5 = ? C6 = ? C7 = ? C8 = Fainted Event C9 = ? CA = ? CB = ? CC = ? CD = ? CE = ? CF = ? D0 = ? D1 = ? D2 = ? D3 = ? D4 = ? D5 = ? D6 = A Turned On PC Appears D7 = A Turned Off PC Appears D8 = ? D9 = ? DA = ? DB = ? DC = Shows Known Moves DD = ? DE = ? DF = Crashes E0 = Crashes E1 = Crashes E2 = Crashes E3 = Crashes E4 = Crashes E5 = Crashes E6 = Crashes E7 = Crashes E8 = Crashes E9 = Crashes EA = ? EB = ? EC = ? ED = ? EE = ? EF = ? F0 = ? F1 = ? F2 = ? F3 = ? F4 = ? F5 = ? F6 = ? F7 = ? F8 = ? F9 = ? FA = ? FB = ? FC = ? FD = ? FE = ? FF = ? 100 = ? 101 = ? 102 = ? 103 = ? 104 = ? 105 = ? 106 = ? 107 = Reads Hall Of Fame Data 108 = Diplome For Completing Kanto Dex 109 = ? 10A = ? 10B = ? 10C = ? 10D = ? 10E = ? 10F = Crashes 110 = Saves Hall Of Fame Data 111 = Elevator 112 = ? 113 = Freezes The Camera 114 = Releases The Camera 115 = ? 116 = ? 117 = ? 118 = ? 119 = ? 11A = ? 11B = ? 11C = ? 11D = ? 11E = ? 11F = ? 120 = ? 121 = ? 122 = ? 123 = ? 124 = ? 125 = ? 126 = ? 127 = ? 128 = ? 129 = ? 12A = ? 12B = ? 12C = ? 12D = ? 12E = ? 12F = ? 130 = ? 131 = ? 132 = Select Floor (Elevator) 133 = ? 134 = ? 135 = ? 136 = Using Strength 137 = Starts Trainerbattle 138 = Starts Wild Battle 139 = Starts Wild Battle 13A = ? 13B = ? 13C = ? 13D = Warp 13E = Fall Through A Hole 13F = ? 140 = ? 141 = ? 142 = ? 143 = Starts Wild Battle 144 = ? 145 = ? 146 = ? 147 = ? 148 = ? 149 = ? 14A = ? 14B = ? 14C = ? 14D = ? 14E = ? 14F = ? 150 = ? 151 = ? 152 = ? 153 = ? 154 = ? 155 = ? 156 = Starts Battle Against Ghost 157 = Uses The Bicycle 158 = ? 159 = ? 15A = ? 15B = ? 15C = Crashes 15D = ? 15E = ? 15F = ? 160 = ? 161 = Activates Surfing Animation 162 = ? 163 = See in PokéDex 164 = ? 165 = ? 166 = Lets You Enter A Nickname 167 = ? 168 = ? 169 = ? 16A = ? 16B = Establishes A Connection 16C = Establishes A Connection 16D = Establishes A Connection 16E = Shows Wireless Connection Status 16F = ? 170 = ? 171 = ? 172 = ? 173 = ? 174 = ? 175 = ? 176 = ? 177 = ? 178 = ? 179 = ? 17A = ? 17B = Uses The Ms Aqua 17C = ? 17D = ? 17E = ? 17F = ? 180 = ? 181 = ? 182 = ? 183 = ? 184 = ? 185 = ? 186 = Crashes 187 = ? 188 = ? 189 = ? 18A = ? 18B = ? 18C = ? 18D = Learns A Move 18E = Battletower Lv50 18F = ? 190 = ? 191 = Departure Of MS Anne 192 = ? 193 = ? 194 = ? 195 = Shows Jump Records 196 = ? 197 = ? 198 = ? 199 = ? 19A = ? 19B = ? 19C = Shows Powder Counter 19D = ? 19E = ? 19F = ? 1A0 = ? 1A1 = ? 1A2 = Shows Berry Crush Rankings 1A3 = ? 1A4 = ? 1A5 = Plays Credits On The Current Map 1A6 = Shows Dodrio Berry Picking Stats 1A7 = ? 1A8 = ? 1A9 = ? 1AA = ? 1AB = Moves The Deoxys-Triangle 1AC = ? 1AD = ? 1AE = ? 1AF = ? 1B0 = ? 1B1 = ? 1B2 = Displays A Cursor At The Left Top Corner 1B3 = ? 1B4 = ? 1B5 = Executes Weird Effects on Map Tiles 1B6 = Executes Weird Effects on Map Tiles 1B7 = ? 1B8 = ? 1B9 = ? 1BA = ? 1BB = ? Aporte de Sky [Spoiler=Flags Usadas en FireRed y Ruby(2 diferentes)] Fire Red: [spoiler=Pulsa para desplegar este spoiler] 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x2B 0x2C 0x2E 0x2F 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x37 0x39 0x3D 0x3E 0x3F 0x40 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x44 0x45 0x46 0x47 0x48 0x49 0x4A 0x4B 0x4C 0x4D 0x50 0x52 0x54 0x58 0x59 0x5C 0x5D 0x5F 0x62 0x63 0x64 0x65 0x66 0x67 0x68 0x69 0x6A 0x6B 0x72 0x75 0x7A 0x7B 0x7C 0x7D 0x7E 0x80 0x81 0x82 0x84 0x85 0x86 0x88 0x8B 0x8C 0x8D 0x8E 0x91 0x92 0x93 0x94 0x95 0x96 0x97 0x98 0x99 0x9A 0x9B 0x9C 0x9E 0x9F 0xA0 0xA1 0xA2 0xAA 0xAD 0xAE 0xB1 0xB2 0xB3 0xB4 0xD5 0xD6 0xD7 0xDC 0xEA 0x109 0x10A 0x10B 0x118 0x119 0x11A 0x11B 0x120 0x121 0x124 0x125 0x126 0x127 0x128 0x129 0x142 0x143 0x144 0x163 0x16A 0x16E 0x16F 0x188 0x189 0x190 0x191 0x192 0x1A7 0x1A8 0x1B6 0x1B7 0x1B8 0x1CE 0x1CF 0x1D0 0x219 0x21A 0x21F 0x230 0x231 0x232 0x233 0x234 0x235 0x236 0x237 0x238 0x239 0x23A 0x23B 0x23C 0x23D 0x23F 0x240 0x241 0x243 0x244 0x245 0x246 0x247 0x248 0x249 0x24A 0x24B 0x24D 0x24E 0x24F 0x250 0x251 0x252 0x253 0x254 0x255 0x256 0x257 0x258 0x259 0x25B 0x25E 0x263 0x264 0x265 0x266 0x267 0x268 0x269 0x26A 0x26B 0x26C 0x26D 0x26E 0x26F 0x270 0x271 0x272 0x273 0x274 0x275 0x276 0x278 0x27A 0x27B 0x27C 0x27D 0x27E 0x27F 0x280 0x281 0x282 0x283 0x284 0x285 0x286 0x287 0x288 0x289 0x28A 0x28B 0x28C 0x28D 0x290 0x291 0x292 0x293 0x294 0x295 0x296 0x297 0x298 0x29A 0x29B 0x29C 0x29D 0x29E 0x29F 0x2A0 0x2A1 0x2A2 0x2A3 0x2A5 0x2A6 0x2BB 0x2BC 0x2BD 0x2BE 0x2BF 0x2C0 0x2C1 0x2C2 0x2C3 0x2C4 0x2C5 0x2C6 0x2C7 0x2C8 0x2C9 0x2CA 0x2CB 0x2CC 0x2CD 0x2CE 0x2CF 0x2D0 0x2D1 0x2D2 0x2D3 0x2D4 0x2D5 0x2D6 0x2D7 0x2D8 0x2D9 0x2DA 0x2DB 0x2DC 0x2DD 0x2E1 0x2E2 0x2E3 0x2E4 0x2E5 0x2EC 0x2ED 0x2EE 0x2EF 0x2F0 0x2F1 0x2F2 0x2F3 0x2F4 0x2F5 0x2F6 0x2F7 0x2F8 0x2F9 0x2FA 0x2FB 0x2FC 0x2FD 0x2FE 0x2FF 0x4B0 0x4B1 0x4B2 0x4B3 0x4B4 0x4B5 0x4B6 0x4B7 0x4B8 0x4B9 0x4BA 0x4BB 0x4BC 0x805 0x807 0x820 0x821 0x822 0x823 0x824 0x825 0x826 0x827 0x828 0x829 0x82C 0x82D 0x82F 0x830 0x834 0x83E 0x841 0x842 0x844 0x845 0x846 0x847 0x848 0x849 0x84A 0x84B 0x890 0x891 0x892 0x893 0x894 0x895 0x896 0x897 0x898 0x899 0x89A 0x89B 0x89C 0x89D 0x89E 0x89F 0x8A0 0x8A1 0x8A2 0x8A3 0x8A4 0x8A5 0x8A6 0x8A7 0x8A8 0x8A9 0x8AA 0x8AB 0x8AC 0x8AD 0x8AE 0x8AF 0x8B0 0x8B1 0x8B2 0x8B3 0x8B4 0x8B5 0x8B6 0x8B7 0x8B8 0x8B9 0x8BA 0x8BB 0x8BC 0x8BD 0x8BE 0x8BF 0x8C0 0x8C1 0x8C2[/spoiler] Ruby: [spoiler=Pulsa para desplegar este spoiler] 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17 0x18 0x19 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F 0x20 0x2B 0x2C 0x2E 0x2F 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x37 0x38 0x39 0x3D 0x3E 0x3F 0x40 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x44 0x45 0x46 0x47 0x48 0x49 0x4A 0x4B 0x4C 0x4D 0x50 0x51 0x52 0x54 0x58 0x59 0x5A 0x5B 0x5C 0x5D 0x5E 0x5F 0x60 0x62 0x63 0x64 0x65 0x66 0x67 0x68 0x69 0x6A 0x6B 0x6D 0x6E 0x6F 0x70 0x71 0x72 0x73 0x74 0x75 0x76 0x77 0x79 0x7A 0x7B 0x7C 0x7D 0x7E 0x7F 0x80 0x81 0x82 0x83 0x84 0x85 0x86 0x87 0x88 0x89 0x8A 0x8B 0x8C 0x8D 0x8E 0x8F 0x90 0x91 0x92 0x93 0x94 0x95 0x96 0x97 0x98 0x99 0x9A 0x9B 0x9C 0x9E 0x9F 0xA0 0xA1 0xA2 0xA3 0xA4 0xA5 0xA6 0xA7 0xA8 0xA9 0xAA 0xAB 0xAC 0xAD 0xAE 0xAF 0xB0 0xB1 0xB2 0xB3 0xB4 0xB5 0xB6 0xB7 0xB8 0xB9 0xBA 0xBB 0xBC 0xBD 0xBE 0xBF 0xC0 0xC1 0xC2 0xC3 0xC4 0xC5 0xC6 0xC7 0xC8 0xC9 0xCA 0xCB 0xCC 0xCD 0xCE 0xD0 0xD1 0xD4 0xD5 0xD6 0xD7 0xD8 0xD9 0xDA 0xDB 0xDC 0xDD 0xDE 0xDF 0xE0 0xE1 0xE2 0xE3 0xE4 0xE5 0xE6 0xE7 0xE8 0xE9 0xEA 0xEB 0xEC 0xED 0xEE 0xEF 0xF0 0xF1 0xF2 0xF3 0xF4 0xF5 0xF6 0xF7 0xF8 0xF9 0xFA 0xFB 0xFC 0xFE 0xFF 0x100 0x101 0x102 0x103 0x104 0x105 0x106 0x107 0x108 0x109 0x10A 0x10B 0x10D 0x10E 0x10F 0x110 0x111 0x112 0x113 0x114 0x115 0x116 0x117 0x118 0x119 0x11A 0x11B 0x11C 0x11D 0x11E 0x11F 0x120 0x121 0x122 0x124 0x125 0x126 0x127 0x128 0x129 0x12A 0x12B 0x12C 0x12D 0x12E 0x138 0x140 0x141 0x142 0x143 0x144 0x163 0x16A 0x16E 0x16F 0x188 0x189 0x190 0x191 0x192 0x194 0x1A7 0x1A8 0x1A9 0x1AA 0x1B6 0x1B7 0x1B8 0x1CE 0x1CF 0x1D0 0x1E5 0x1E6 0x1ED 0x1EE 0x1EF 0x219 0x21A 0x21F 0x230 0x231 0x232 0x233 0x234 0x235 0x236 0x237 0x238 0x239 0x23A 0x23B 0x23C 0x23D 0x23F 0x240 0x241 0x243 0x244 0x245 0x246 0x247 0x248 0x249 0x24A 0x24B 0x24D 0x24E 0x24F 0x250 0x251 0x252 0x253 0x254 0x255 0x256 0x257 0x258 0x259 0x25B 0x25E 0x263 0x264 0x265 0x266 0x267 0x268 0x269 0x26A 0x26B 0x26C 0x26D 0x26E 0x26F 0x270 0x271 0x272 0x273 0x274 0x275 0x276 0x278 0x279 0x27A 0x27B 0x27C 0x27D 0x27E 0x27F 0x280 0x281 0x282 0x283 0x284 0x285 0x286 0x287 0x288 0x289 0x28A 0x28B 0x28C 0x28D 0x28E 0x28F 0x290 0x291 0x292 0x293 0x294 0x295 0x296 0x297 0x298 0x29A 0x29B 0x29C 0x29D 0x29E 0x29F 0x2A0 0x2A1 0x2A2 0x2A3 0x2A5 0x2A6 0x2BB 0x2BC 0x2BD 0x2BE 0x2BF 0x2C0 0x2C1 0x2C2 0x2C3 0x2C4 0x2C5 0x2C6 0x2C7 0x2C8 0x2C9 0x2CA 0x2CB 0x2CC 0x2CD 0x2CE 0x2CF 0x2D0 0x2D1 0x2D2 0x2D3 0x2D4 0x2D5 0x2D6 0x2D7 0x2D8 0x2D9 0x2DA 0x2DB 0x2DC 0x2DD 0x2E1 0x2E2 0x2E3 0x2E4 0x2E5 0x2E6 0x2E7 0x2E8 0x2EC 0x2ED 0x2EE 0x2EF 0x2F0 0x2F1 0x2F2 0x2F3 0x2F4 0x2F5 0x2F6 0x2F7 0x2F8 0x2F9 0x2FA 0x2FB 0x2FC 0x2FD 0x2FE 0x2FF 0x300 0x301 0x302 0x303 0x305 0x307 0x308 0x309 0x30A 0x30B 0x30C 0x30D 0x310 0x311 0x31C 0x31D 0x31E 0x31F 0x320 0x321 0x322 0x323 0x326 0x327 0x328 0x329 0x32E 0x32F 0x330 0x333 0x335 0x336 0x33C 0x33D 0x33F 0x343 0x348 0x349 0x34D 0x34E 0x350 0x351 0x354 0x356 0x357 0x358 0x35A 0x35B 0x35C 0x362 0x364 0x365 0x366 0x36D 0x36E 0x370 0x371 0x372 0x373 0x379 0x37A 0x37B 0x37C 0x37D 0x37E 0x380 0x381 0x382 0x384 0x385 0x386 0x387 0x388 0x389 0x38A 0x38F 0x390 0x391 0x393 0x394 0x395 0x396 0x39E 0x39F 0x3A0 0x3A5 0x3A6 0x3A7 0x3A8 0x3A9 0x3AC 0x3AD 0x3AE 0x3B0 0x3B1 0x3B2 0x3B3 0x3B4 0x3B5 0x3B7 0x3B8 0x3B9 0x3BA 0x3BB 0x3BC 0x3BD 0x3BE 0x3BF 0x3C1 0x3C2 0x3C3 0x3C4 0x3C5 0x3C7 0x3C8 0x3CD 0x3CE 0x3CF 0x3D0 0x3D1 0x3D2 0x3D3 0x3D4 0x3D6 0x3D7 0x3D8 0x3D9 0x3DA 0x3DB 0x3DC 0x3DD 0x3DE 0x3DF 0x436 0x4B0 0x4B1 0x4B2 0x4B3 0x4B4 0x4B5 0x4B6 0x4B7 0x4B8 0x4B9 0x4BA 0x4BB 0x4BC 0x4BD 0x4C1 0x4C9 0x4CD 0x4D4 0x4DD 0x4DE 0x4DF 0x4E0 0x800 0x801 0x802 0x804 0x805 0x806 0x807 0x808 0x809 0x80A 0x80B 0x80C 0x80D 0x80E 0x80F 0x810 0x811 0x812 0x813 0x814 0x815 0x816 0x817 0x818 0x819 0x81A 0x81B 0x81C 0x81D 0x81E 0x820 0x821 0x822 0x823 0x824 0x825 0x826 0x827 0x828 0x829 0x82A 0x82B 0x82C 0x82D 0x82F 0x830 0x832 0x834 0x83A 0x83B 0x83C 0x83D 0x83E 0x83F 0x840 0x841 0x842 0x843 0x844 0x845 0x846 0x847 0x848 0x849 0x84A 0x84B 0x84C 0x84F 0x850 0x851 0x852 0x853 0x854 0x855 0x856 0x857 0x858 0x859 0x85A 0x85B 0x85C 0x85E 0x85F 0x860 0x861 0x863 0x890 0x891 0x892 0x893 0x894 0x895 0x896 0x897 0x898 0x899 0x89A 0x89B 0x89C 0x89D 0x89E 0x89F 0x8A0 0x8A1 0x8A2 0x8A3 0x8A4 0x8A5 0x8A6 0x8A7 0x8A8 0x8A9 0x8AA 0x8AB 0x8AC 0x8AD 0x8AE 0x8AF 0x8B0 0x8B1 0x8B2 0x8B3 0x8B4 0x8B5 0x8B6 0x8B7 0x8B8 0x8B9 0x8BA 0x8BB 0x8BC 0x8BD 0x8BE 0x8BF 0x8C0 0x8C1 0x8C2 0x8CA 0x8CB 0x8CC 0x8CD 0x8CE 0x8CF 0x8D0 0x8D1 0x8D2[/spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler=MultiChoices que hay en FR y Ruby] Ruby: [spoiler=Pulsa para desplegar este spoiler] 0 = Petalburg/Slateport 2 = Enter/Info/Cancel 3 = What's contest/Types of Contest/Ranks/Cancel 4 = Cool/Beauty/Cute/Smart/Tough/Cancel 5 = Decoration/Pack-up/Cancel 6 = Decoration/Pack-up/Registry/Cancel 7 = Register/Registry/Information/Cancel C = Mach/Acro D = PSN/PAR/SLP/BRN/FRZ/Cancel E = Dewford/Cancel 10 = Saw it/Not yet 11 = Yes/No/Info 12 = Single/Double/Multi/Cancel 13 = Littleroot/Slateport/Lilycove 14 = Yes/No/Info 17 = Make Challenge/Obtain Info/Cancel 18 = LV50/LV100/CANCEL 19 = Zigzagoon/Poocheyena/Nincada 1A = Nincada/Lotad/Roselia 1B = Shroomish/Nincada/Surskit 1C = Treecko/Torchic/Mudkip 1D = Seedot/Shroomish/Spinda 1E = Shroomish/Zigzagoon/Wurmple 1F = PokeBall/Super Potion/Same Price 20 = £135/£155/£175 21 = Cost More/Cost Less/Same Price 22 = Male/Female/Neither 23 = males/females/same number 24 = Male/Female/Depends 25 = 6/8/10 26 = 1/2/3 27 = 6/7/8 2A = FRESHWATER/SODAPOP/LEMONADE/CANCEL 2B = How To Ride/How To Turn/Sandy Slopes/CANCEL 2C = WHEELIES/BUNNY-HOPS/JUMPING/CANCEL 2D = SATISFIED/DISSATISFIED 2E = DEEPSEATOOTH/DEEPSEASCALE 2F = BLUE FLUTE/YELLOW FLUTE/RED FLUTE/WHITE FLUTE/BLACK FLUTE/GLASS CHAIR/GLASS DESK/CANCEL 30 = TREECKODOLL/TORCHICDOLL/MUDKIPDOLL/CANCEL 31 = 50COINS/500COINS/CANCEL 32 = EXCELLENT/NOTSOHOT 34 = LILYCOVE/BATTLETOWER 35 = SLATEPORT/LILYCOVE 36 = RIGHT/LEFT 37 = TM32/TM29/TM35/TM24/TM13/CANCEL 38 = SLATEPORT/BATTLETOWER 39 = 1F/2F/3F/4F/5F 3A = REDSHARD/CANCEL 3B = YELLOWSHARD/CANCEL 3C = REDSHARD/YELLOWSHARD/CANCEL 3D = BLUESHARD/CANCEL 3E = REDSHARD/BLUESHARD/CANCEL 3F = YELLOWSHARD/BLUESHARD/CANCEL 40 = REDSHARD/YELLOWSHARD/BLUESHARD/CANCEL 41 = GREENSHARD/CANCEL 42 = REDSHARD/GREENSHARD/CANCEL 43 = YELLOWSHARD/GREEMSHARD/CANCEL 44 = REDSHARD/YELLOWSHARD/GREENSHARD/CANCEL 45 = BLUESHARD/GREENSHARD/CANCEL 46 = REDSHARD/BLUESHARD/GREENSHARD/CANCEL 47 = YELLOWSHARD/GREENSHARD/BLUESHARD/CANCEL 48 = REDSHARD/YELLOWSHARD/BLUESHARD/GREENSHARD/CANCEL[/spoiler] FireRed: [spoiler=Pulsa para desplegar este spoiler] 0 = Yes/No 1 = Eevee/Flareon/Jolteon/Vaporeon/Quit 2 = Normal/Black/Pink/Sepia 3 = Hall of Fame/Quit 4 = Eggs/Quit 5 = Victories/Quit 6 = Hall of Fame/Eggs/Quit 7 = Hall of Fame/Victories/Quit 8 = Eggs/Victories/Quit 9 = Hall of Fame/Eggs/Victories/Quit A = Exit D = Bicycle $1000000/No thanks. E = Abra 200 coins/Clefairy 500 coins/Dratini 2100 coins/Scyther 5500 coins/Porygon 9,999 coins/No thanks. F = SLP/PSN/PAR/BRN/FRZ/Exit 10 = Yes/No/Info 11 = Single Battle/Double Battle/Multi Battle/Info/Exit 12 = Yes/No/Info 13 = Make a Challenge/Info/Exit 14 = Rooftop/B1F/Exit 15 = Helix Fossil/Exit 16 = Dome Fossil/Exit 17 = Old Amber/Exit 18 = Helix Fossil/Old Amber/Exit 19 = Dome Fossil/Old Amber/Exit 1A = Fresh Water $200/Soda Pop $300/Lemonade $350 1B = 50 coins $1000/500coins $10000/Exit 1C = Excellent/Not so bad. 1D = Right/Left 1E = TM25 5500 coins/TM14 5500 coins/TM38 5500 coins/TM23 4500 coins/TM26 6500 coins/No thanks. 1F = 5F/4F/3F/2F/1F/Exit 20 = Fresh Water/Exit 21 = Soda Pop/Exit 22 = Fresh Water/Soda Pop/Exit 23 = Lemonade/Exit 24 = Fresh Water/Lemonade/Exit 25 = Soda Pop/Lemonade/Exit 26 = Fresh Water/Lemonade/Exit 27 = Trade Center/Coliseum/Exit 28 = Game Link Cable/Wireless/Exit 29 = Smoke Ball 800 coins/Miracle Seed 1000 coins/Charcoal 1000 coins/Mystic Water 1000 coins/Yellow Flute 1600 coins/No thanks. 2A = B1F/B2F/B4F/Exit 2B = Linked Game Play/Direct Corner/Union Room/Quit 2C = Two Island/Three Island/Exit 2D = One Island/Three Island/Exit 2E = One Island/Two Island/Exit 2F = Trade Center/Coliseum/Berry Crush/Exit 30 = Empty/Empty/Exit 31 = Pokémon Jump/Dodrio Berry-picking/Exit 32 = Trade Center/Coliseum/Exit 33 = 2 Tiny Mushrooms/1 Big Mushroom 34 = Trade Center/Coliseum/Empty/Berry Crush/Exit 35 = Trade Center/Coliseum/Empty/Exit 36 = Sevii Islands/Navel Rock/Exit 37 = Sevii Islands/Birth Island/Exit 38 = Sevii Islands/Navel Rock/Birth Island/Exit 39 = One Island/Two Island/Three Island/Exit 3A = Vermillion/Two Island/Three Island/Exit 3B = Vermillion/One Island/Three Island/Exit 3C = Vermillion/One Island/Two Island/Exit 3D = Vermillion/Exit 3E = Empty/Empty/Exit 3F = Join Group/Become Leader/Exit 40 = Single/Double/Knockout/Mixed/Exit[/spoiler][/spoiler][/quote][/Spoiler] uuuf termine, espero que les sriva y apoyen este post ;)