Author Id: 28224 Author Name: DriveTheGamer Post Content: Me sale este error [QUOTE]--------------------------- Whack a Engine v2 --------------------------- Exception: RuntimeError Message: Failed to load the bitmap located at: Graphics/Pictures/mnfd BitmapCache: 393:in `load_bitmap' MenĂº de Pausa:27:in `pbStartScene' MenĂº de Pausa:212:in `pbStartPokemonMenu' Scene_Map:188:in `call_menu' Scene_Map:159:in `updateOldFL' HUD:109:in `update' Scene_Map:68:in `main' Scene_Map:65:in `loop' Scene_Map:72:in `main' Main**:44:in `mainFunctionDebug' This exception was logged in C:\Users\OKI\Saved Games/Whack a Engine v2/errorlog.txt.[/QUOTE]