Red Alien Reference Manual

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Syntax
  3. Strings
  4. #raw
  5. Dynamic labels
  6. Inline labels
  7. Preprocessor
  8. Goodies
  9. High level structures
    1. if/else
    2. while
  10. User interface
    1. Graphical User Interface
      1. The text input helper
    2. Command Line Interface


Red Alien is mostly compatible with XSE and PKSV, but adds features of its own. All of these are valid Red Alien code:

Basic Syntax

To write a script, the first thing you need to tell the compiler is where you want your script written. To do so, use the #org directive:

#org <address>
#org 0xA00000

After that, you can write commands. You can find a list of commands in the asc/data/commands.txt file. You can also edit that file to modify or add commands, if you have the knowledge to do so.

The syntax for commands is simply:

<command> [args] ...

(The argument name will vary for each command). eg.:

setflag 0x4000 0x1

You probably want to end your scripts with an end command.


Text strings are used for messages. To write a text string, the first character of the line must be an equals sign (=). Everything that follows up until the newline will be part of the string. Comments might or might not be detected on that line (so don't write them there!).

Text strings won't be automatically terminated. This means that if there is garbage after a string, it won't end properly. If you are using dynamic labels (explained later), or putting your scripts on empty (FF) space, this will not affect you negatively. This also means that you can split your strings over multiple lines.

You can write special characters inside strings, to write line breaks, for example. Here's a list:

\l (FA) - newline with scroll
\p (FB) - change paragraph
\c (FC) - colors
\v (FD) - buffers
\n (FE) - jump to 2nd line
\hXX - byte XX


#org 0x800000
message 0x900000
callstd 6
message 0xA00000
callstd 6

#org 0x900000
= This is a simple string.

#org 0xA00000
= This is a longer string.\nI better split it over\l
= more lines, to help readability.


The #raw directive is used to write plain bytes to the ROM. It takes one argument, the byte to write. It's usually used for movement bytecode. Example:

#dynamic 0x800000
#org @main
applymovement 2 @movs
pauseevent 0

#org @movs
#raw 0x02 'look left
#raw 0xFE

That is actually equivalent to:

#dynamic 0x800000
#org @main
applymovement 2 @movs
pauseevent 0

#org @movs

But with the first one you can use #define'd constants (explained later).

#dynamic 0x800000
#org @main
applymovement 2 @movs
pauseevent 0

#define look_left #raw 0x02

#org @movs
#raw 0xFE

Equivalents for different sizes are also available as #byte, #hword and #word.

Dynamic labels

Red Alien, like most script compilers, can help you with the job of finding a suitable place for your scripts using the #dynamic directive.

The syntax for it is just #dynamic <base_address>, where said base address is the starting address where the compiler will start looking for space. The most common address used for it is 0x800000 (#dynamic 0x800000).

After #dynamic has been used, you can use @labels instead of addresses. A @label is a name you give to a piece of code or data in your script, which the compiler will replace with an actual address at compile time. It must start with an at (@) and be floowed by extra non-whitespace symbols, eg.: @000, @poop @!--(). Even though, I recommend sticking to letters, numbers and underscores.

All @labels used in command arguments must be defined in an #org location somewhere in the code.


#dyn 0x800000

#org @main
message @sup
callstd 6

#org @sup
= Hi!

The compiler will output the addresses it has assigned to each @label at the end.

Inline labels

Like PKSV, and similarly to the C programming language or Assembler, Red Alien supports inline labels, called :labels from now on.

A :label can appear anywhere after an #org directive. It will take the address of the element that follows it, and it can be used anywhere else in the code to refer to the point where it sits. This allows for lots of control and tight code.


#include "stdlib/std.rbh"
#dyn 0x800000

#org @main
checkflag 0x867
if 0 jump :ya_noob // yes, it's using a :label for the msg too
msgbox :good 6
jump :end
message :msg_nuv
callstd 6
disappear 2

= So, man, are you a total nuv?\n
= You didn't even get the first\l
= medal kid.\xFF
// That \xFF terminates the string
// It separates it from the :good one

= You are good man\p
= You are pretty good.\p
= I think we should go have a drink.


You can #define stuff, you can #include stuff, and you can #ifdef/#ifndef then #endif. If you know a C-based language you will probably be familiar with these.

#define does macros as defined in the pks2 standard. Arguments to the macro will replace the $# args:

#define msgbox loadptr $1 ; callstd $2
msgbox @lmao 6

Will become:

loadptr @lmao ; callstd 6

Red Alien doesn't define any constants by default. You can include standard library headers to get them. Example:

#include "stdlib/std.rbh"
#include "stdlib/stdpoke.rbh"
#include "stdlib/stditems.rbh"
#include "stdlib/stdattacks.rbh"
#include "stdlib/stdmoves.rbh"

#define KID 5

#dynamic 0x800000

#org @main
message @msg
callstd MSG_NORMAL
disappear KID

#org @msg
= I'm going to disappear!

The msgbox macro shown above is defined in std.rbh

High level structures

Red Alien brings C-like syntax for loops and branches because why not.


if ( condition ) {
You can also have an else:
if ( condition ) {
} else {

Brackets are required, you cannot do else if without nesting.

The condition can be:

The first will compile down to a checkflag, and the second to a compare.


Same as if and else, except that it loops (use a jump/goto to break or continue).
while ( condition ) {


#dyn 0x800000

#org @main
if(0x3000) {
	while(0x4000 < 3) {
		message @text
		callstd 6
		addvar 0x4000 1
} else {
	message @text2
	callstd 6

#org @text
= lalalalalala

#org @text2
= lelelelelele

User interface

Red Alien can be used with a graphical user interface (GUI) à la XSE, or with a command line interface (CLI), à la gcc.

GUI - The Graphical User Interface

If you are a Windows user, just double click asc-qt.exe after downloading. You can also bind it with AM, going to Settings → Choose script editor, then answering "No" when asked about spaces or colons. You can also bind it with Blue Spider, and probably MEH.

If you are an Arch Linux user, you can install red-alien-git from the AUR. If you are a Linux user from another distro, you'll have to download the code from github, install the dependencies listed in the README.txt using your package manager, and run asc-qt. The hacky loader.exe used to bind it with AM seems broken ATM. You can use MEH, Blue Spider, or run Red Alien using Wine as well (boo!).

There is a compile option, a debug option, and a decompile option. The debug option compiles without actually writing to the ROM, so that you can check if a script compiles without actually using it, or see which addresses would #dynamic give in case you actually compiled it onto the ROM. The decompile option will ask for an address and do what the name implies.

Press F1 for the builtin command help.

The text input helper

You can press Ctrl-B for a text input helper.

input helper screenshot

The information line at the bottom shows how many pixels the current line will take on screen if showed in a normal text-box. You must add \n, \l and \p as needed.

CLI - The Command Line Interface

The steps until getting to the executable are the same as with the GUI, but you will run asc-cli (or asc-cli.exe) instead. You can run it with no arguments to get general help, or using the -h option for detailed help on each mode. Eg.:

> asc-cli c -h
usage: asc-cli c [-h] rom script

positional arguments:
  rom         path to ROM image
  script      path to pokemon script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit