#raw 0x0 'Face Down
#raw 0x1 'Face Up
#raw 0x2 'Face Left
#raw 0x3 'Face Right
#raw 0x4 'Face Down (Faster)
#raw 0x5 'Face Up (Faster)
#raw 0x6 'Face Left (Faster)
#raw 0x7 'Face Right (Faster)
#raw 0x8 'Step Down (Very Slow)
#raw 0x9 'Step Up (Very Slow)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x14 'Jump2 Down
#raw 0x15 'Jump2 Up
#raw 0x16 'Jump2 Left
#raw 0x17 'Jump2 Right
#raw 0x18 'Delay1
#raw 0x19 'Delay2
#raw 0x20 'Step Right (Fast)
#raw 0x21 'Step on the Spot Down (Normal)
#raw 0x22 'Step on the Spot Up (Normal)
#raw 0x23 'Step on the Spot Left (Normal)
#raw 0x24 'Step on the Spot Right (Normal)
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0x29 'Step on the Spot Down (Fastest)
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0x31 'Slide Down (Slow)
#raw 0x32 'Slide Up (Slow)
#raw 0x33 'Slide Left (Slow)
#raw 0x34 'Slide Right (Slow)
#raw 0x35 'Slide Down (Normal)
#raw 0x36 'Slide Up (Normal)
#raw 0x37 'Slide Left (Normal)
#raw 0x38 'Slide Right (Normal)
#raw 0x39 'Slide Down (Fast)
#raw 0x40 'Slide Running on Right Foot (Right)
#raw 0x41 'Slide Running on Left Foot (Down)
#raw 0x42 'Slide Running on Left Foot (Up)
#raw 0x43 'Slide Running on Left Foot (Left)
#raw 0x44 'Slide Running on Left Foot (Right)
#raw 0x45 'mov45
#raw 0x46 'Jump Facing Left (Down)
#raw 0x47 'Jump Facing Down (Up)
#raw 0x48 'Jump Facing Up (Left)
#raw 0x49 'Jump Facing Left (Right)
#raw 0x50 'Jump Left
#raw 0x51 'Jump Right
#raw 0x52 'Jump in Place (Facing Down)
#raw 0x53 'Jump in Place (Facing Up)
#raw 0x54 'Jump in Place (Facing Left)
#raw 0x55 'Jump in Place (Facing Right)
#raw 0x56 'Jump in Place (Facing Down/Up)
#raw 0x57 'Jump in Place (Facing Up/Down)
#raw 0x58 'Jump in Place (Facing Left/Right)
#raw 0x59 'Jump in Place (Facing Right/Left)
#raw 0x60 'Hide
#raw 0x61 'Show
#raw 0x62 'Exclamation Mark (!)
#raw 0x63 'Question Mark (?)
#raw 0x64 'Cross (X)
#raw 0x65 'Double Exclamation Mark (!!)
#raw 0x66 'Happy (^_^)
#raw 0x1 'Face Up
#raw 0x2 'Face Left
#raw 0x3 'Face Right
#raw 0x4 'Face Down (Faster)
#raw 0x5 'Face Up (Faster)
#raw 0x6 'Face Left (Faster)
#raw 0x7 'Face Right (Faster)
#raw 0x8 'Step Down (Very Slow)
#raw 0x9 'Step Up (Very Slow)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x14 'Jump2 Down
#raw 0x15 'Jump2 Up
#raw 0x16 'Jump2 Left
#raw 0x17 'Jump2 Right
#raw 0x18 'Delay1
#raw 0x19 'Delay2
#raw 0x20 'Step Right (Fast)
#raw 0x21 'Step on the Spot Down (Normal)
#raw 0x22 'Step on the Spot Up (Normal)
#raw 0x23 'Step on the Spot Left (Normal)
#raw 0x24 'Step on the Spot Right (Normal)
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0x29 'Step on the Spot Down (Fastest)
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0x31 'Slide Down (Slow)
#raw 0x32 'Slide Up (Slow)
#raw 0x33 'Slide Left (Slow)
#raw 0x34 'Slide Right (Slow)
#raw 0x35 'Slide Down (Normal)
#raw 0x36 'Slide Up (Normal)
#raw 0x37 'Slide Left (Normal)
#raw 0x38 'Slide Right (Normal)
#raw 0x39 'Slide Down (Fast)
#raw 0x40 'Slide Running on Right Foot (Right)
#raw 0x41 'Slide Running on Left Foot (Down)
#raw 0x42 'Slide Running on Left Foot (Up)
#raw 0x43 'Slide Running on Left Foot (Left)
#raw 0x44 'Slide Running on Left Foot (Right)
#raw 0x45 'mov45
#raw 0x46 'Jump Facing Left (Down)
#raw 0x47 'Jump Facing Down (Up)
#raw 0x48 'Jump Facing Up (Left)
#raw 0x49 'Jump Facing Left (Right)
#raw 0x50 'Jump Left
#raw 0x51 'Jump Right
#raw 0x52 'Jump in Place (Facing Down)
#raw 0x53 'Jump in Place (Facing Up)
#raw 0x54 'Jump in Place (Facing Left)
#raw 0x55 'Jump in Place (Facing Right)
#raw 0x56 'Jump in Place (Facing Down/Up)
#raw 0x57 'Jump in Place (Facing Up/Down)
#raw 0x58 'Jump in Place (Facing Left/Right)
#raw 0x59 'Jump in Place (Facing Right/Left)
#raw 0x60 'Hide
#raw 0x61 'Show
#raw 0x62 'Exclamation Mark (!)
#raw 0x63 'Question Mark (?)
#raw 0x64 'Cross (X)
#raw 0x65 'Double Exclamation Mark (!!)
#raw 0x66 'Happy (^_^)
#raw 0x1 'Face Up
#raw 0x2 'Face Left
#raw 0x3 'Face Right
#raw 0x4 'Step Down (Slow)
#raw 0x5 'Step Up (Slow)
#raw 0x6 'Step Left (Slow)
#raw 0x7 'Step Right (Slow)
#raw 0x8 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x9 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xA 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0xB 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0xC 'Jump2 Down
#raw 0xD 'Jump2 Up
#raw 0xE 'Jump2 Left
#raw 0xF 'Jump2 Right
#raw 0x10 'Delay1
#raw 0x11 'Delay2
#raw 0x12 'Delay3
#raw 0x13 'Delay4
#raw 0x14 'Delay5
#raw 0x15 'Slide Down
#raw 0x16 'Slide Up
#raw 0x17 'Slide Left
#raw 0x18 'Slide Right
#raw 0x19 'Step on the Spot Down (Slow)
#raw 0x20 'Step on the Spot Right (Normal)
#raw 0x21 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0x22 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0x23 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0x24 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Fastest)
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Fastest)
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Fastest)
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Fastest)
#raw 0x29 'Slide Down
#raw 0x30 'Slide Right
#raw 0x31 'Slide Down
#raw 0x32 'Slide Up
#raw 0x33 'Slide Left
#raw 0x34 'Slide Right
#raw 0x35 'Slide Running Down
#raw 0x36 'Slide Running Up
#raw 0x37 'Slide Running Left
#raw 0x38 'Slide Running Right
#raw 0x39 'mov39
#raw 0x40 'mov40
#raw 0x41 'mov41
#raw 0x42 'Jump Down
#raw 0x43 'Jump Up
#raw 0x44 'Jump Left
#raw 0x45 'Jump Right
#raw 0x46 'Jump in Place (Facing Down)
#raw 0x47 'Jump in Place (Facing Up)
#raw 0x48 'Jump in Place (Facing Left)
#raw 0x49 'Jump in Place (Facing Right)
#raw 0x50 'mov50
#raw 0x51 'mov51
#raw 0x52 'mov52
#raw 0x53 'mov53
#raw 0x54 'Hide
#raw 0x55 'Show
#raw 0x56 'Exclamation Mark (!)
#raw 0x57 'Question Mark (?)
#raw 0x58 'Love (<3)
#raw 0x59 'mov59
#raw 0x60 'mov60
#raw 0x61 'mov61
#raw 0x62 'Walk Down
#raw 0x63 'Walk Down
#raw 0x64 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0x65 'Face Up (Delayed)
#raw 0x66 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0x67 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0x68 'mov68
#raw 0x69 'mov69
#raw 0x70 'Jump in Place (Facing Down)
#raw 0x71 'Jump in Place (Facing Up)
#raw 0x72 'Jump in Place (Facing Left)
#raw 0x73 'Jump in Place (Facing Right)
#raw 0x74 'Jump Down Running
#raw 0x75 'Jump Up Running
#raw 0x76 'Jump Left Running
#raw 0x77 'Jump Right Running
#raw 0x78 'Jump2 Down Running
#raw 0x79 'Jump2 Up Running
#raw 0x80 'Slide Down Running
#raw 0x81 'Slide Up Running
#raw 0x82 'Slide Left Running
#raw 0x83 'Slide Right Running
#raw 0x84 'Slide Down
#raw 0x85 'Slide Up
#raw 0x86 'Slide Left
#raw 0x87 'Slide Right
#raw 0x88 'Slide Down on Left Foot
#raw 0x89 'Slide Up on Left Foot
#raw 0x90 'Slide2 Left diagonally (Facing Up)
#raw 0x91 'Slide2 Right diagonally (Facing Up)
#raw 0x92 'Slide2 Left diagonally (Facing Down)
#raw 0x93 'Slide2 Right diagonally (Facing Down)
#raw 0x94 'mov94
#raw 0x95 'mov95
#raw 0x96 'Walk Left
#raw 0x97 'Walk Right
#raw 0x98 'Levitate
#raw 0x99 'Stop Levitating
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#raw 0x2 'Face Left
#raw 0x3 'Face Right
#raw 0x4 'Step Down (Slow)
#raw 0x5 'Step Up (Slow)
#raw 0x6 'Step Left (Slow)
#raw 0x7 'Step Right (Slow)
#raw 0x8 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x9 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xA 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0xB 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0xC 'Jump2 Down
#raw 0xD 'Jump2 Up
#raw 0xE 'Jump2 Left
#raw 0xF 'Jump2 Right
#raw 0x10 'Delay1
#raw 0x11 'Delay2
#raw 0x12 'Delay3
#raw 0x13 'Delay4
#raw 0x14 'Delay5
#raw 0x15 'Slide Down
#raw 0x16 'Slide Up
#raw 0x17 'Slide Left
#raw 0x18 'Slide Right
#raw 0x19 'Step on the Spot Down (Slow)
#raw 0x20 'Step on the Spot Right (Normal)
#raw 0x21 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0x22 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0x23 'Step on the Spot Left (Faster)
#raw 0x24 'Step on the Spot Right (Faster)
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Fastest)
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Fastest)
#raw 0x27 'Step on the Spot Left (Fastest)
#raw 0x28 'Step on the Spot Right (Fastest)
#raw 0x29 'Slide Down
#raw 0x30 'Slide Right
#raw 0x31 'Slide Down
#raw 0x32 'Slide Up
#raw 0x33 'Slide Left
#raw 0x34 'Slide Right
#raw 0x35 'Slide Running Down
#raw 0x36 'Slide Running Up
#raw 0x37 'Slide Running Left
#raw 0x38 'Slide Running Right
#raw 0x39 'mov39
#raw 0x40 'mov40
#raw 0x41 'mov41
#raw 0x42 'Jump Down
#raw 0x43 'Jump Up
#raw 0x44 'Jump Left
#raw 0x45 'Jump Right
#raw 0x46 'Jump in Place (Facing Down)
#raw 0x47 'Jump in Place (Facing Up)
#raw 0x48 'Jump in Place (Facing Left)
#raw 0x49 'Jump in Place (Facing Right)
#raw 0x50 'mov50
#raw 0x51 'mov51
#raw 0x52 'mov52
#raw 0x53 'mov53
#raw 0x54 'Hide
#raw 0x55 'Show
#raw 0x56 'Exclamation Mark (!)
#raw 0x57 'Question Mark (?)
#raw 0x58 'Love (<3)
#raw 0x59 'mov59
#raw 0x60 'mov60
#raw 0x61 'mov61
#raw 0x62 'Walk Down
#raw 0x63 'Walk Down
#raw 0x64 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0x65 'Face Up (Delayed)
#raw 0x66 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0x67 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0x68 'mov68
#raw 0x69 'mov69
#raw 0x70 'Jump in Place (Facing Down)
#raw 0x71 'Jump in Place (Facing Up)
#raw 0x72 'Jump in Place (Facing Left)
#raw 0x73 'Jump in Place (Facing Right)
#raw 0x74 'Jump Down Running
#raw 0x75 'Jump Up Running
#raw 0x76 'Jump Left Running
#raw 0x77 'Jump Right Running
#raw 0x78 'Jump2 Down Running
#raw 0x79 'Jump2 Up Running
#raw 0x80 'Slide Down Running
#raw 0x81 'Slide Up Running
#raw 0x82 'Slide Left Running
#raw 0x83 'Slide Right Running
#raw 0x84 'Slide Down
#raw 0x85 'Slide Up
#raw 0x86 'Slide Left
#raw 0x87 'Slide Right
#raw 0x88 'Slide Down on Left Foot
#raw 0x89 'Slide Up on Left Foot
#raw 0x90 'Slide2 Left diagonally (Facing Up)
#raw 0x91 'Slide2 Right diagonally (Facing Up)
#raw 0x92 'Slide2 Left diagonally (Facing Down)
#raw 0x93 'Slide2 Right diagonally (Facing Down)
#raw 0x94 'mov94
#raw 0x95 'mov95
#raw 0x96 'Walk Left
#raw 0x97 'Walk Right
#raw 0x98 'Levitate
#raw 0x99 'Stop Levitating
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
Un saludo.