HackMew (el creador del XSE) dice:
Iniciado por HackMew
Thanks for the feedback! And remember there are just 5 days left to vote! :)
[QUOTE]Iniciado por Rabid_Lime
I'm not sure if I should be asking here anymore, because as you can see this is all filled with peoples' graduatories, but...for Overworld Editor RE whenever my cursor goes onto the pallette, Overworld Editor RE says "Runtime error 9, subscript is out of range" or something like that. It's been killing me.
Actually I've already fixed that bug, even if nobody were supposed to drag the cursor on the palette :P
Hopefully I'll release a fixed version later.[/quote]
No estoy muy seguro, pero creo que esto ocurre con algunas herramientas de HackMew, como el XSE, el OE. Según parece, HM está trabajando en arreglarlo.
Aclaro que no tengo ni puta idea de lo que pasa realmente, solo he ido a google, he buscado un poco y he encontrado el mensaje este de HM.