Tendrías que usar el XSE... crear un nuevo script con givepokémon....
Givepokemon 0x(n° Hex del pokemon) 0x(numero Hex del nivel) 0x(nº hex del item que sostiene) 0x0 0x0 0x0 (no se para que sirven siempre los dejo así =D)
suerte y salu2
You have to use the XSE, make a new script with the command give pokemon..
This command is used with this parameters:
givepokemon 0x(number in HEX of pokemon) 0x(Level (in hex) of the pkmn) 0x(number of holded item) 0x0 0x0 0x0 Idk for wath are the last numbers =D
Oh! and make sure of read wath erre- say (sorry for my english)