Bueno como ese es un evento del mismo juego.. ¿creo que no necesita que yo le asigne flags o si? :s aclaro que no habia tocado con el a-map ni siquiera la isla quarta para no correr el riesgo de que estó suceda, pero igual pasó..
de todas formas he revisado las flags que aparecen en este evento..
aparecen 3 de está forma
setflag 0x8E
clearflag 0x8C
setflag 0x8B (8B es el personID de lorelei en el a-map)
flags que yo no he usado en mi hack..
aca dejo los scrips por si quieren revisarlos (los he comparado con roms limpios que tengo y no tienen ninguna diferencia).
script del mapa
#org 0x163D82
#raw 0x3
#raw pointer 0x8163D88
#raw 0x0
#org 0x163D88
compare 0x4080 0x1
if 0x1 call 0x8163D94
#org 0x163D94
setflag 0x8B
#org 0x163D82
#raw 0x3
#raw pointer 0x8163D88
#raw 0x0
#org 0x163D88
compare 0x4080 0x1
if 0x1 call 0x8163D94
#org 0x163D94
setflag 0x8B
script del script (valga la redundancia xD)
#org 0x163D98
textcolor 0x1
msgbox 0x817B04F MSG_KEEPOPEN '"LORELEI: Keep your filthy hands\no..."
applymovement 0x1 0x8163EE8
waitmovement 0x0
textcolor 0x0
msgbox 0x817B0B9 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Aww, shut it, lady, and leave\nus ..."
sound 0x15
applymovement 0x3 0x81A75DB
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0x3 0x81A75ED
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0x3 0x81A75DD
waitmovement 0x0
textcolor 0x1
msgbox 0x817B109 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"LORELEI: [player]?!\nWhat are you ..."
applymovement 0x3 0x81A75EB
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0x12
applymovement 0x3 0x81A75ED
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0x23
applymovement 0x4 0x8163F11
applymovement 0x3 0x8163F18
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x8163EDD
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0x2 0x8163EE8
waitmovement 0x0
playsong 0x11B 0x0
textcolor 0x0
msgbox 0x817B20B MSG_KEEPOPEN '"W-what?!\pWho says we can't do wha..."
setvar LASTTALKED 0x4
trainerbattle 0x3 0x21B 0x0 0x817B251
applymovement 0x3 0x8163F1B
waitmovement 0x0
textcolor 0x1
msgbox 0x817B269 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"LORELEI: Humph.\nSo despicably wea..."
textcolor 0x0
msgbox 0x817B2EF MSG_KEEPOPEN '"N-no way!\nI'm not telling you tha..."
textcolor 0x1
preparemsg 0x817B313 '"LORELEI: If you won't confess,\nwe..."
cry 0x83 0x2
applymovement 0x1 0x8163EEE
waitmovement 0x0
textcolor 0x0
msgbox 0x817B399 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Wawaah! Okay!\nI'll talk!\pThe POK..."
applymovement 0x3 0x8163F1D
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x8163EE2
applymovement 0x1 0x8163EF0
applymovement 0x2 0x8163EFA
applymovement 0x4 0x8163F05
waitmovement 0x0
hidesprite 0x1
hidesprite 0x2
hidesprite 0x4
pause 0x32
applymovement 0x3 0x8163F23
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x81A75E7
waitmovement 0x0
textcolor 0x1
msgbox 0x817B457 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[player], thank you.\nBut this is ..."
setflag 0x8E
clearflag 0x8C
setvar 0x4080 0x1
' Strings
#org 0x17B04F
= LORELEI: Keep your filthy hands\noff the POKéMON in the cave!\pDo as I say, or you'll have me to\nanswer to!
#org 0x17B0B9
= Aww, shut it, lady, and leave\nus be.\pDon't let your glasses get all\nsteamed up!
#org 0x17B109
= LORELEI: [player]?!\nWhat are you doing here?\pNo, we can catch up later.\nRight now, I need your help.\pHelp me kick these poachers out\nbefore they do anything else.\pThey've been catching POKéMON\nhere, then selling them off!\pAre you ready?\nYou take that one, please!
#org 0x17B20B
= W-what?!\pWho says we can't do what we want\nwith the POKéMON we catch?
#org 0x17B251
= We didn't plan on this!
#org 0x17B269
= LORELEI: Humph.\nSo despicably weak.\pYou!\nTell me!\pWhere have you taken the captured\nPOKéMON?\pI'm smashing your ring once and\nfor all!
#org 0x17B2EF
= N-no way!\nI'm not telling you that!
#org 0x17B313
= LORELEI: If you won't confess,\nwe'll deep-freeze you.\pMy LAPRAS is furious for what\nyou've done to its friends.\pGo, LAPRAS!\nICE BEAM[.]
#org 0x17B399
= Wawaah! Okay!\nI'll talk!\pThe POKéMON are in the ROCKET\nWAREHOUSE on FIVE ISLAND.\pThere! I said it!\nWe'll be going now!\p[.]But I doubt you'll ever make it\ninto the ROCKET WAREHOUSE!\pHeheheheh!
#org 0x17B457
= [player], thank you.\nBut this is awful[.]\pI was born and raised here on\nthese islands.\pI had no idea that those horrible\ncriminals were loose here[.]
' Movements
#org 0x163EE8
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x1A75DB
#raw 0x62 'Exclamation Mark (!)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x1A75ED
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x1A75DD
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x1A75EB
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F11
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F18
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163EDD
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F1B
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163EEE
#raw 0x29 'Step on the Spot Down (Fastest)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F1D
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163EE2
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x2F 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163EF0
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163EFA
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F05
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x20 'Step Right (Fast)
#raw 0x20 'Step Right (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F23
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x1A75E7
#raw 0x2F 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163D98
textcolor 0x1
msgbox 0x817B04F MSG_KEEPOPEN '"LORELEI: Keep your filthy hands\no..."
applymovement 0x1 0x8163EE8
waitmovement 0x0
textcolor 0x0
msgbox 0x817B0B9 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Aww, shut it, lady, and leave\nus ..."
sound 0x15
applymovement 0x3 0x81A75DB
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0x3 0x81A75ED
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0x3 0x81A75DD
waitmovement 0x0
textcolor 0x1
msgbox 0x817B109 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"LORELEI: [player]?!\nWhat are you ..."
applymovement 0x3 0x81A75EB
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0x12
applymovement 0x3 0x81A75ED
waitmovement 0x0
pause 0x23
applymovement 0x4 0x8163F11
applymovement 0x3 0x8163F18
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x8163EDD
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0x2 0x8163EE8
waitmovement 0x0
playsong 0x11B 0x0
textcolor 0x0
msgbox 0x817B20B MSG_KEEPOPEN '"W-what?!\pWho says we can't do wha..."
setvar LASTTALKED 0x4
trainerbattle 0x3 0x21B 0x0 0x817B251
applymovement 0x3 0x8163F1B
waitmovement 0x0
textcolor 0x1
msgbox 0x817B269 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"LORELEI: Humph.\nSo despicably wea..."
textcolor 0x0
msgbox 0x817B2EF MSG_KEEPOPEN '"N-no way!\nI'm not telling you tha..."
textcolor 0x1
preparemsg 0x817B313 '"LORELEI: If you won't confess,\nwe..."
cry 0x83 0x2
applymovement 0x1 0x8163EEE
waitmovement 0x0
textcolor 0x0
msgbox 0x817B399 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"Wawaah! Okay!\nI'll talk!\pThe POK..."
applymovement 0x3 0x8163F1D
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x8163EE2
applymovement 0x1 0x8163EF0
applymovement 0x2 0x8163EFA
applymovement 0x4 0x8163F05
waitmovement 0x0
hidesprite 0x1
hidesprite 0x2
hidesprite 0x4
pause 0x32
applymovement 0x3 0x8163F23
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement MOVE_PLAYER 0x81A75E7
waitmovement 0x0
textcolor 0x1
msgbox 0x817B457 MSG_KEEPOPEN '"[player], thank you.\nBut this is ..."
setflag 0x8E
clearflag 0x8C
setvar 0x4080 0x1
' Strings
#org 0x17B04F
= LORELEI: Keep your filthy hands\noff the POKéMON in the cave!\pDo as I say, or you'll have me to\nanswer to!
#org 0x17B0B9
= Aww, shut it, lady, and leave\nus be.\pDon't let your glasses get all\nsteamed up!
#org 0x17B109
= LORELEI: [player]?!\nWhat are you doing here?\pNo, we can catch up later.\nRight now, I need your help.\pHelp me kick these poachers out\nbefore they do anything else.\pThey've been catching POKéMON\nhere, then selling them off!\pAre you ready?\nYou take that one, please!
#org 0x17B20B
= W-what?!\pWho says we can't do what we want\nwith the POKéMON we catch?
#org 0x17B251
= We didn't plan on this!
#org 0x17B269
= LORELEI: Humph.\nSo despicably weak.\pYou!\nTell me!\pWhere have you taken the captured\nPOKéMON?\pI'm smashing your ring once and\nfor all!
#org 0x17B2EF
= N-no way!\nI'm not telling you that!
#org 0x17B313
= LORELEI: If you won't confess,\nwe'll deep-freeze you.\pMy LAPRAS is furious for what\nyou've done to its friends.\pGo, LAPRAS!\nICE BEAM[.]
#org 0x17B399
= Wawaah! Okay!\nI'll talk!\pThe POKéMON are in the ROCKET\nWAREHOUSE on FIVE ISLAND.\pThere! I said it!\nWe'll be going now!\p[.]But I doubt you'll ever make it\ninto the ROCKET WAREHOUSE!\pHeheheheh!
#org 0x17B457
= [player], thank you.\nBut this is awful[.]\pI was born and raised here on\nthese islands.\pI had no idea that those horrible\ncriminals were loose here[.]
' Movements
#org 0x163EE8
#raw 0x25 'Step on the Spot Down (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x1A75DB
#raw 0x62 'Exclamation Mark (!)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x1A75ED
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x1A75DD
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x1A75EB
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F11
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F18
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163EDD
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x11 'Step Up (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F1B
#raw 0x26 'Step on the Spot Up (Faster)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163EEE
#raw 0x29 'Step on the Spot Down (Fastest)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F1D
#raw 0x1B 'Delay4
#raw 0x30 'Face Right (Delayed)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163EE2
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x2F 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x2D 'Face Down (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163EF0
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163EFA
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x12 'Step Left (Normal)
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F05
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x1C 'Delay5
#raw 0x10 'Step Down (Normal)
#raw 0x20 'Step Right (Fast)
#raw 0x20 'Step Right (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0x1D 'Step Down (Fast)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x163F23
#raw 0x13 'Step Right (Normal)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
#org 0x1A75E7
#raw 0x2F 'Face Left (Delayed)
#raw 0xFE 'End of Movements
Script de Lorelei
#org 0x163F25
msgbox 0x817B457 MSG_FACE '"[player], thank you.\nBut this is ..."
' Strings
#org 0x17B457
= [player], thank you.\nBut this is awful[.]\pI was born and raised her
#org 0x163F25
msgbox 0x817B457 MSG_FACE '"[player], thank you.\nBut this is ..."
' Strings
#org 0x17B457
= [player], thank you.\nBut this is awful[.]\pI was born and raised her
A mi parecer todo está bien.. pero yo soy nuevo en esto asi que no estoy seguro =/, por favor, cualquier ayuda es bienvenida.. es un poco doloroso haber gastado tiempo en las modificaciones que hice y en haber avanzado hasta esa parte del juego (2 veces) para tener que volver a empezar..
Les agradezco su ayuda, saludos :no-way: