~AdryRX~ 24765
Uso cedexia pokemon maker.

Cuando intento entrar en el Editor o en la prueba de juego me sale este error:

Cedexia Pokémon Maker
Exception: RuntimeError

Message: Undefined move constant name: ROOST

Name must consist only of letters, numbers, and

underscores and can't begin with a number.

Make sure the name is defined in


File PBS/items.txt, line 355

Compiler:883:in `pbGetConst'

Compiler:909:in `parseMove'

Compiler:780:in `pbCompileItems'

Compiler:763:in `pbCompilerEachCommentedLine'

Compiler:569:in `each_line'

Compiler:569:in `pbCompilerEachCommentedLine'

Compiler:566:in `open'

Compiler:566:in `pbCompilerEachCommentedLine'

Compiler:763:in `pbCompileItems'

Compiler:3808:in `pbCompileAllData'

This exception was logged in ./errorlog.txt.

Press Ctrl+C to copy this message to the clipboard.

Ayudenme porfavorx:(