Lunos 15440
-Amazing Maps Designs D: (The Tiles combine well with the Mini Sprites)
-The B/W 2 style looks Awesome (But maybe you can put more opacity in the Chatbox xd..)
-The History it's interesting but certainly it's a bit.. Typical
-I really want to see how you will put the Digital World in the game <3 (Agumon (? .. oh.. wait.. this isn't Digimon :c)
-Hm.. "New forms for Old Pokemons" .... It's a Chance of 50%..
*50% = That forms will be AWESOME and they will give an Excelent Bonus to the game
*50% = That forms will be HORRIBLES and probably they will give a Bad Point for the game

That's All, I will wait for More Updates :3
PD: Sorry my bad english xd..
